


Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

7 Steps to Becoming Parents Not Spoiling Children

The desires of the parents when the child became a mainstay of the fretful baby face. However, if you continually do, it is not likely the child will be spoiled.
If you want to raise the baby without spoiling, but still making a responsible child, parents should set the ground rules. Here are the 7 best ways to avoid spoiling the baby

Set Rules
Parents sometimes become weak and easily misled children because they themselves do not implement the rule from the beginning. For example, when a child wants to eat the cake, but he had too much to eat sweet foods. Notice the sentence that you utter. If you say 'Ok, you should not eat cake', this will open up the opportunity for a petulant child eating cake again. But if from the start you've made ​​a deal with him, like, 'ok you should not eat the cake, then save the cake', this sentence will not make a child has a slit to ask for more.

Consistent Rules Against Defined
One is one, no more. Many parents are indecisive when it comes to setting rules for your child. For example, you specify only one piece of cake for him every week, but you hesitate and let him take the second piece. When the guided condition you have to do is imagine the effect that would occur if the laws are not enforced, that he did not understand the reason why you make the rules.

Never Give Up Against crying
Once you fulfill his desire because he was crying, then he will know how to get what he wanted. Strong is your heart to tears, and give simple explanations are easy to understand so that he understands what you mean setting the rules.

Create a deal
If he want something that you yourselves are still hesitant to give, you can give additional rules. For example, your child wants to watch his favorite tv show, you can provide additional rules as he had to take a nap or tidy up his toys first. By making this deal, you be sure to let him watch television.

Then Formerly Rights Obligations
A study showed that children who do will be able to face the responsibilities of depression in the future. Balitapun even be taught to be responsible to pick up his toys. After her discharge its responsibilities, you can give the time that you have set for him to play.

Do not Be Afraid to Make Kids Disappointed
Seeing children sad because his request was not granted usually disappointed could also make mom sad. However, you should not give up. Your child should know that he does not always get what he wants. Thus you teach children to learn to accept disappointment that the child is able to cope with stress later.

Do not Give with was charity
Many experts agree that children become spoiled because parents always give them what they want without demanding to children. If your child wants a new toy, you have to set the system 'reward'. Only when he behaves well or get good grades in school, then he can get a new toy.

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