


Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Identify the 10 mark below the child's behavior, and immediately act to address them.

The young child when the parents do mischief usually only reprimanded or scolded. But there you can tolerate misbehavior and delinquency there you should follow.
if not, then the child will increase the mischief and will be hard to change when he's an adult later
1. They cry and scream if you want something.
2. Like sulking while lying on the floor and would not wake up.
3. Often angry and even hit you when you punish him
4. Ignore your question.
5. Being rude to adults and other children.
6. Refusing to share toys or specific treatment with other children.
7. Likes to show off, and the center of attention among the group.
8. Always want what others have. When you've managed to have it, they always want something new.
9. His room and did not want to mess it up, until you succumb doing.
10. Refused to sleep.

What should you as a parent?
Get used memberikah reward for good behavior and punishment for bad behavior. If your child is screaming because you want something, do not give it and take this what they like.
If they do not want to leave the floor when angry, lift, and insert them into the room to calm down and apologize.
If they ignore your command to do something, punish immediately. Have stood in the corner of the room and not be moved before apologizing.
Do not buy all that they asked for. Get used to them trying to get something. When the room is a mess, do not be out of the room until the room is neat and clean.
Set sleep time. Regularly return them to bed. After that they will quit out of the room. You must confirm to them that there was no other option and give gifts when they do good things.

How to Overcome Delinquency

The following tips can be done by parents or educators to develop the child's personality and kretivitas in addressing delinquency, namely:
1. Establish appropriate learning experiences the child's natural curiosity, with confronts issues relevant to the needs, goals and interests of children.
2. Introduce children to participate in preparing and planning learning activities.
3. Give the experience of real life that demands an active role in the child and develop the skills necessary for it.
4. Try to keep the program flexible enough to encourage learning student or students to investigate, experiment (experimental) and the invention itself.
5. Act more as a learning resource than as a transmitter of information, knowledge and do not force the child has not been readily accepted.
6. Encourage and appreciate the initiative and curiosity of children against something.
7. Let the child learn from his mistakes and accept the consequences. Of course, while not necessarily harmful and dangerous.
8. Let not forget the respect and praise good efforts of the children.

How Long Should Children Sleep Every Day?

Sleep is one of the activities that are useful, especially in children. Enough sleep allows the brain and other organs to develop and work optimally. In addition, hormones produced even more active while sleeping. It is important to improve the quality and efficiency of the brain as well as expedite the transport of amino acids from the blood to the brain.

Although sleep is very important, but too much sleep can also cause children lazy and less productive. Just how long the child should sleep every day? Is your child is ever too much sleep so less active or even lack of sleep?

The time it takes the child to sleep, actually vary depending on age. Here is a guide to good bedtime for children, as quoted from the Parents Zone:

1. Newborn
Babies will spend more than 75% of their time sleeping or unntuk about 18 hours or more a day. In the age of the baby, sleep assisting the process of growth and development.

2. Infants 1-4 Months
Infants between 1-4 months of age still spends all his time to fall asleep, which is about 14 to 16 hours each day.

3. Children 1-3 Years
Children at this age takes between 12-15 hours of sleep each day. For naps, children need about 2-3 hours and most of them can sleep through the night with a regular sleep schedule.

4. Children 3-5 Years
Toddlers this age need 11 to 13 hours of sleep each day. At this age, more nap time is reduced so as not to disrupt the child's bedtime at night.

5. Children 5-12 Years
School-age children typically takes 9 to 11 hours of sleep. At this age children need less sleep or more depending on the level of activity they do.

6. Age Teens
In the teenage years, children are beginning to activism ranging from homework, tutoring, playing, watching television or playing computer games. All of these activities can reduce their sleep time. Actually a good bedtime for teens is about 10 hours each day. Even children age 15 and still need more sleep than adults.

Seeing the importance of adequate sleep, as well as its influence on the development of the child, where the role of the parent is required to keep the child's sleep patterns with mebiasakan to sleep on time.

Some of the factors that cause parents spoil their children

Child is your baby, you will as much as possible to make your child feel happy and feel proud to have parents like you.
However, sometimes your affection to the children so excessive that the child be "king" in his home
Therefore, you as a parent should know because you are so spoiling your child so that when the child becomes too great and the family. He will teach his son the same as parents to teach them

1. The child's parents are spoiled by their parents anyway so the experience was passed on to his son.
2. Parents have the concept of happiness is not quite right. For example, happiness diidentik with pleasing their children with them to obey all requests given lux goods, money.
3. Indulgent attitude can also be caused because parents must have the bitter experience of life and the poor so that they want to avoid their children from a very difficult situation.
4. Parents are plenty of activities and businesses that do not have enough free time for their children. This activity can lead to overactive guilt for the parents so that they comply with all requests or provide valuable goods as substitutes their affection.
5. The tendency of parents who sometimes distinguish their children. Attitudes are usually motivated by factors distinguish the views / specific culture such as a sense of pride in the boys. Justice uneven parents of children may be differences in the provision of facilities for children and the differences in affection. For children who feel unfairly treated can lead to disappointment in the parents and the child will feel envy with their siblings. In this connection, the child usually protest against her parents who realized in various forms of delinquency.

7 Steps to Becoming Parents Not Spoiling Children

The desires of the parents when the child became a mainstay of the fretful baby face. However, if you continually do, it is not likely the child will be spoiled.
If you want to raise the baby without spoiling, but still making a responsible child, parents should set the ground rules. Here are the 7 best ways to avoid spoiling the baby

Set Rules
Parents sometimes become weak and easily misled children because they themselves do not implement the rule from the beginning. For example, when a child wants to eat the cake, but he had too much to eat sweet foods. Notice the sentence that you utter. If you say 'Ok, you should not eat cake', this will open up the opportunity for a petulant child eating cake again. But if from the start you've made ​​a deal with him, like, 'ok you should not eat the cake, then save the cake', this sentence will not make a child has a slit to ask for more.

Consistent Rules Against Defined
One is one, no more. Many parents are indecisive when it comes to setting rules for your child. For example, you specify only one piece of cake for him every week, but you hesitate and let him take the second piece. When the guided condition you have to do is imagine the effect that would occur if the laws are not enforced, that he did not understand the reason why you make the rules.

Never Give Up Against crying
Once you fulfill his desire because he was crying, then he will know how to get what he wanted. Strong is your heart to tears, and give simple explanations are easy to understand so that he understands what you mean setting the rules.

Create a deal
If he want something that you yourselves are still hesitant to give, you can give additional rules. For example, your child wants to watch his favorite tv show, you can provide additional rules as he had to take a nap or tidy up his toys first. By making this deal, you be sure to let him watch television.

Then Formerly Rights Obligations
A study showed that children who do will be able to face the responsibilities of depression in the future. Balitapun even be taught to be responsible to pick up his toys. After her discharge its responsibilities, you can give the time that you have set for him to play.

Do not Be Afraid to Make Kids Disappointed
Seeing children sad because his request was not granted usually disappointed could also make mom sad. However, you should not give up. Your child should know that he does not always get what he wants. Thus you teach children to learn to accept disappointment that the child is able to cope with stress later.

Do not Give with was charity
Many experts agree that children become spoiled because parents always give them what they want without demanding to children. If your child wants a new toy, you have to set the system 'reward'. Only when he behaves well or get good grades in school, then he can get a new toy.

The child begins to show symptoms of a bad personality

Children - children who have developmental agencies also must be accompanied by the development of personality you really - really notice. Do not let your child's misbehavior is not solved soon so that adults could be someone who has a bad personality.  The symptoms can show these things that lead to child delinquency:1. Children who are not liked by his friends that the child alone. Such children will be able to cause upheavals of emotion.2. Children who often shy away from responsibilities at home or at school. Shy away from responsibility because children usually do not like the work assigned to them so that they keep away from her busy schedule and look for something else that is not guided.3. Children who often complained in the sense that they have a problem which he himself could not find the problem. Such children often carry the emotional upheavals.4. Children who experience phobias and nervous in different intemperate with fear anal-normal children.5. Children who lie.6. Children who like to hurt or bother his friends at school or at home.7. Children who thinks that all their teachers are not being kind to them and deliberately obstruct them.8. Children who can not concentrate.

Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Tips easily removes crayon writing on the wall

Having a child who has been actively writing certainly often write not only on paper that you have provided.
It could be the child will write on the floor or on the walls of your home. When he wrote on the floor, you clean it easy, stay flush and dry with a cloth rag.
But not so with the wall, when the writing is on the wall just behind the lime does not matter. But it would be a problem if the child uses crayons let alone markers!!!!!
Crayons attached to the wall will soon leave a mark if you are not immediately clear. Therefore, if there is a wall that you just clean the dirty.
First of all you can use toothpaste about half a tablespoon. Rub with a cloth in a circle until the former become lost crayons. Last use a wet cloth to remove toothpaste stuck to your wall.
If toothpaste is not powerful cleaning crayon stains, you can use all-purpose cleaner or dishwashing soap about a drop.
Last use a wet towel to ensure the stains have disappeared